Monthly Archives: November 2020


Recognising The Trump Cycle (And Cashing In)

A Colossal Issue…

This is the sixth rewrite of my returning Colossal Concerns blog article on why Trump is going to win a second term. The sixth! I’ve gone into the corrupt media, broken down the polls why they’re used to sway opinion and not showcase it, and spotted an interesting anomaly where the shy Trump supporter is lying to said polls. It’s what I call “the Trump Taekwondo”™: you use your opponent’s dishonesty against them. And now take the fact the MSM and the pollsters are generally in a bubble with no windows, crammed full of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) victims all screaming to the sky about how they hate the orange paragon of truth: you can easily see why the polls on Trump are so unbelievably off. I can’t wait for the head scratching from the people who hate to admit they’re wrong, and now will have got it so wrong, when Trump wins, and wins big.

I’ve written the obvious about why this election is as important as it is polarising, from total lockdown and mandatory masks/muzzles, to Trump’s back-to-work approach.

I’ve pointed out the fact that Biden is an empty shell easily controlled and manipulated by the far left and that Harris is just biding her time as VP until she takes over.

I’ve broken down the Hunter Biden laptop/emails/corruption/child abuse/incest. What a truly disgusting rabbit hole. And the Biden campaign HASN’T EVEN OFFICIALLY DENIED that the laptop is not Hunter’s. Let that sink in.

I looked at how most people (not all) with TDS-spewing mouths are welded to the MSM that tells them what to think so they can then go forth and spew up the Blitzkrieg of propaganda they’ve been fed.

I looked at how so many people can’t get over the superficialness of these things like Trump’s hair and the fact he’s orange and isn’t shy about boasting or blowing his own trumpet. Trump fans can see all these “flaws”, but ultimately they see what he does as being most important thing to judge him on. And Trump has done such a lot, but TDS sufferers refuse to look at these achievements, which only makes their argument weaker. And, ironically, this is why Trump wins again, because they’ve painted themselves into such a unwinnable position.

Basically, I thought a week was plenty of time to formulate my thoughts and kick off Colossal Concerns. But what I ended up with was a mass of info that sprawls off in all directions and is hard to focus on. Basically, what I ended up writing wasn’t a normal blog article, it was like having a full-on conversation with me, except much harder as I can’t correct in real time…

So I’ve come to this conclusion:

Rather than cramming everything and all my thoughts into one rushed post, I’m going to focus on why I’ve gone all in, doubled down, and jumped into the abyss screaming “TRUMP 2020!!!”, even though I’m equally confident that the Democrats are going to cheat. I know they’re going to cheat because they’ve had to lay the groundwork to cheat.

Bet on Trump to win

I had an amusing convo with a good mate who hates Trump. I was laying out why it makes perfect sense to sell what cryptos I can (most are staked/locked up) and take any savings or money I could get a hold of and place it ALL on the God-Emperor Trump to win — in a landslide. Even though I also know the Democrats will cheat, and they will. My mate couldn’t see why this at-first-glance-flawed prospect actually has solid foundations.

So, to the various bets. I have got money on him to win outright. I have money on him to win the Senate for the Republicans, as well as money to win the House of Representatives for the GOP. And I’ve got money on him to win the popular share (highest percentage) of the vote, as well as him winning Minnesota and Michigan. I’m really believing my lying eyes on this one and not the lying polls. Can anyone explain why Biden can’t fill a village hall, yet Trump is packing arenas across the country? 78,000 turned out for Trump in Pennsylvania, but Biden’s ahead by the pollsters count even though he’s been caught out lying about banning fracking.

Something’s not adding up here.

Trump Pennsylvania Rally

The Democrats will try to cheat

Pennsylvania segues neatly to the meat of this blog: why I know the Democrats are going to cheat and why I haven’t placed a bet on Pennsylvania (even with Biden caught out with the lies about fracking and the massive Trump crowd).

I’m not putting a bet on Trump to win in Pennsylvania because they’ve allowed mail-in ballots to be counted after the deadline. How can this be? So Trump will win that state by X amount of votes, and that will (magically) be the total of mail-in ballots the Democrats will have to find (Supreme Court to Let PA, NC Accept Absentee Ballots After … › 2020/10/28 › supreme-court-pennsyl…).

This is what I mean when I talk about “the groundwork being laid by Democrats”. They have teams of lawyers on hand to try and get all these dodgy mail-in ballots passed (Lawyers Prepare for Court Battles in Pennsylvania, Michigan …

But it goes deeper.

This has been telegraphed by Trump, so the Republicans are going to have teams of watchers and vote-counters overlooking the processing of the ballots. I believe there’s going to be massive voter fraud, but my gut is telling me it’s not going to be enough to steal the election from Trump. And it has to be so big the Democrats will make loads of mistakes along the way. But that’s just conjecture, we’ll just have to see, but there’s going to be plenty of wars being fought in the counting room. Plus, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we see Antifa lining the streets trying to intimidate Trump voters. The Antifa BLM (mostly non-violent) ‘protests’ I believe were a warm up to cause further unrest under the disguise of getting rid of Orange Hitler. We’ll see..

So I don’t believe the Democrats will be able to steal the election by fraud, and I think they know this. They’ve already named the red wave which is coming on election day as the “red mirage” (This TDS victim lays out the red mirage ).

Nancy Pelosi has already said “by the time ALL votes are counted” (she can’t even lie looking to camera: look at that body language:

The evil post office and voter suppression

Now, one of the arrows in Nancy’s quiver (which having watched that above video reminded me of), and obviously I don’t know for sure, but I’m sensing the groundwork is being laid to claim that so many mail-in ballots didn’t get to be the posted out ( At first, I thought the Democrats had scared their base into staying at home for the mail-ins, but now they can’t even get the mail-in ballots to them. But then when I saw the above vid of Pelosi, it made me think of the ridiculous Post Office conspiracy. Remember, that’s where TDS sufferers were posting pics of trucks stealing post boxes. I’m wondering, and it is only wondering, if Pelosi will claim that the election is null and void because these mail-in ballots never made it out in time. Just something to keep an eye on.

Delegitimise Trump

Like I mentioned earlier, all this has been telegraphed. The Transition Integrity Project ( › wiki › Transition_Integrity_Project) has been set up. And while there’ll be loads of shady, underhanded things going on, I don’t think they’ll be enough to swing the election. I think the larger overall goal is to delegitimise Trump’s second term win and carry on with the war to remove him as POTUS. When a landslide win is announced (probably won’t be announced as a “landslide” by MSM), the TDS is going to kick into overdrive: there is no reasoning with the “Orange Hitler” lot, for them the end justifies the means, and they will carry on pushing towards a civil war. What can you do when one side is fixated and trying every trick in the book to delegitimise the democratic process? It’s Pelosi’s time honoured tactic: throwing constant streams of shit and hoping some of it sticks.

At the end of the day

I’m either going to nail it or be nailed by my conviction. If I’m right and it plays out like I predict, I can use some of my winnings to start my podcast, buy a bit of equipment and restart my YouTube channel and plough forth on that front. I like the idea of being able to build myself a platform off the back of this. If I’m wrong (it has happened before), the plans are the same, only it will take longer and I have to look at myself and how I called it so very wrong. I’m so forthright in my convictions, if I’m wrong, I’ll pick through the corpse and see why. Which, ironically, is part of the reason why I’m going to be right. I’m not scared to put what I see as the truth (and all my money) up front and centre, under the microscope and clinically dissecting it, whatever the outcome. This is important to me on many levels other than the financial, because it gives an indication of how well (or not) I’m reading the pulse of reality. There’s an ongoing war between reality and the “reality” the MSM are projecting. And now with the insanity of a second lockdown in the U.K., it shook me up and I could see it’s more important than ever to get my shit together and build a platform of COLOSSAL proportions to say whatever I believe needs to be said. To be continued…

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